Saturday 5 May 2018

OUGD603 - Research Brief - Meeting with Ben

As this brief will be tied to WYS and both Ben and I will be producing a zine for a research brief, we decided that the zines we produce would work together as a  series. This gives us the opportunity to add to the project in the future which then also has the possibility to be sold. Because of this, we decided to come together to talk about how the work we produce can stay consistent throughout the series despite us producing a zine individually. When we met, we discussed the research completed by both of us earlier in the project.

We noticed that we had both picked up on how early zines were produced using a photocopier. We decided this would be a good way to produce our final outcomes in a cheap yet authentic way. We also discussed our research on the resurgence of zines within modern culture and felt this should also influence the series. To stand out, we decided each zine we produce would have a different front cover colour, yet the stock weight inside paper will be the same on the inside. These will then be bound using a staple and will be limited to 12 pages.

We also decided that our zines will be entirely image based and printing in black and white as this will be the best was to visualise the focussed subculture to our audience. Deciding this has helped to plan the next stage of my design process as I will start to collate more imagery to use within my publication.

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