Sunday 13 May 2018

OUGD603 - Year Book - Final Draft

Final updates to the photography year book derived from the feedback Orlando gave us. This included re-structuring the contents page into a more simple layout. It would now be shown in two columns withe the student's name at one side of the page and their corresponding number at the other. This became more legible and keeps within the grid system first designed at the start of the brief.

The page numbers were now set in the bottom right of the page, outside of the gridded content and in 20pt. This helped to better show the flip book idea however it was difficult to give different elements enough space with it here so experimentation was needed to get it perfect.

The information page was set to white, keeping it consistent with the rest of the book. When experimenting with text, we found it would be difficult adding each student's information as some had written a considerable amount. Because of this, we asked them to reduce it down to 200-300 characters which would inevitably take up less room.

When this final draft was shown to the client, we received positive feedback. Unfortunately the full book couldn't be produced before our hand in as not ever  student had submitted their work and it wouldn't yet be going to print. Despite this, it was decided that this draft would be the preliminary final outcome as the photography students felt it worked well. It will then be updated and go to print after hand in.

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