Saturday 12 May 2018

OUGD603 - WYS - T-shirts

Merchandise was identified within the brief as being an important part of the branding as can be used for promotion and to sell to our audience for extra profit. This part of the process also meant we could try out new techniques that we were less familiar with such as screen printing and heat press. 

We decided the t-shirts should be simple and include our logo and designs produced earlier in the brief. The first design uses the logo without boxes, this is used for deliverables of WYS that don't involve print. The second design is more comical and relates to a trend amongst younger people where the hand sign is produced to trick a friend, therefore linking well to our target audience. This was animated for instagram content however, it was decided that it would also work well on a shirt.

Mockups were created for the designs, first to show how the would be produced but also as a means to promote the products on a store and Instagram in the future. We chose to print on Gildan t-shirts as the are good quality and can be bought for cheap off Amazon. This means the can be sold for a higher profit  margin. If there is a higher demand for the t-shirts we will look to out source the printing however for now, this can be done using the facilities available to us at university.

Below shows the original t-shirt printing we did. Unfortunately, we found out that the print can bleed if the ink is pulled through too many times. This experimentation was vital for us as has shown how the mistakes we have made can be avoided in the future.

I had the idea to experiment with the designs further, showing Ben how the logo could be repeated on the back of the shirt. I used tape to create a rectangle border, as there was ink on the screen from previous prints, we made sure this wasn't cleaned and so left an interesting all over print.

A grey shirt was also printed, we had the idea to have a line of exclusive t-shirts which would only be available for us and our friends, this could be done using different colour t-shirts however will be experimented with when more are ordered.

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