Tuesday 1 May 2018

OUGD603 - MIMI - Critique

I brought my idea development to a critique for feedback. This feedback is essential as will help to finalise how the design outcomes will look. By this stage, Morion had already been chosen as the typeface and the pale blue with grid as the background.

After showing my ideas to the group, I received positive feedback about the work produced. I asked whether this was enough to be a substantial brief. It was noted that, although more outcomes could be added such as stationary and a promo pack to send to potential employers, I had done a considerable amount of work for the project.

I also referred back to the first ideas I had within the brief and asked whether they believe my final outcomes follow the same traits. The first was professionalism, which the critique group felt was accomplished through appropriate typography. The second being Mimi's personality which the critique backed up my idea of using a grid system and light blue colour scheme, noting it worked well.

I asked for feedback on the portfolio aspect of the identity as I was unsure how I would portray this with the small amount of photos given to work off of by my client. I suggested that I was thinking of creating a simple front and back cover meaning Mimi can add and takeaway photos when updating the portfolio.

The next stage of the design process will be to take what I have learnt from this critique and apply it to my work before showing Mimi the final designs.

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