Tuesday 1 May 2018

OUGD603 - Year Book - Results & Feedback from tutor

After the result had been counted we found out that we had unfortunately not been successful and would not be producing the year book for graphic design. We wanted some clarification and feedback from Amber for why she thought it had happened and what we can do now. To do this, we met with her to discuss our options.

After speaking to our tutor we found that she personally liked the idea however noted that the contempary style may not have appealed to some people in the class. However, she suggested talking to photography about producing their yearbook.

Amber put our names forward to produce the year book for photography. After speaking with our tutor, we felt this could actually benefit the concept we have produced and that the overall idea and design work could be easily adapted to suit photography.

After speaking to Amber we arranged to meet with the photography students who will help us to collect and decide on the information needed for their yearbook. We went through the presentation we used for graphic design and showed the ideas we had for the progression into photography.

The girls liked many of the ideas we had and felt it could be an easy transition into the book we would be producing for them. Although they hadn't yet come up with a name as a class, they told us the ideas they were working with and we arranged to meet later in the week when we could hear feedback from the tutor and the rest of their class so more decisions could be made.

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