Tuesday 1 May 2018

OUGD603 - MIMI - production, final outcomes and evaluation

Once the chosen outcomes had been run by my client for some final feedback, I was able to start producing physical work. I first looked into printing business cards as this would be the first point of call when Mimi is speaking to potential clients and employers. I did a test print of the cards in the print room at uni, using GF Smith colour plan paper that matched the colour used I used 270gsm as I have used this weight before and it had worked well. This is also the paper I have chosen to print the portfolio as will work well for the cover. The print on these initial test prints varied in quality as the double sided printer can often be inaccurate, because of this, we decided the print should be done externally.

I suggested a number of printers such as evolution and precision however, as this would only be a short print room for now, I looked into more commercial options. After looking around at different online business card printers, Tom Dixon from my course suggested using Moo. He showed the same pack he was sent and so I decided that their recycled t-shirt business cards would be most appropriate. The final design is seen below:

As noted earlier, the portfolio was printed on the same stock used in business card test prints. The GF Smith stock works perfectly alongside the photos printed on satin stock from uni. The end results look professional and can be easily used by Mimi when presenting her work

 This project has been vital in my progression as a designer this year. As it was one of the first briefs I produced, I was able to efficiently plan the time spent on the brief around the work produced and the client needs. This in turn meant the final outcomes were experimented with, developed and finalised to a high standard. As these client needs were established at the start of the brief and were considered throughout the project. Such needs included portraying a high level of professionalism, relating appropriately to who the client is and producing outcomes that are adaptable over time. 

The outcomes are delivered through a variety of different mediums meaning the client has a consistent identity whether someone is discovering her online or meeting her in person. Each outcome is well suited for their purpose, with a focus on how the client will be viewed by her peers. 

Working coercively with the client has meant she has been informed about each stage of the process and not had to worry about it in anyway. Meeting with the client regularly and keeping updated through email has shown how important communication is when working freelance. 

Despite this project going to plan and producing final outcomes that are appropriate for the brief, there were a number of this that could be improved in further briefs. Examples include looking to outsource the production of outcomes. Finals such as the portfolio and business cards are inconsistent with stock choice and colour as were printed at different places. In the future outcomes should be printed using the same stock and printers so all work looks the same. This could also be done for the website. Although it works well in Adobe Muse, using a developer may lead to a more interesting and well produced final website. This will be looked at in later briefs. 

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