Sunday 13 May 2018

OUGD603 - Year Book - Evaluation

This brief has been one of the most worthwhile of them all because of the opportunities it has given. This is the first substantial live brief that WYS has produced collaboratively, meaning there was a large budget to work with and more considerations to adhere to. Fortunately, Ben and I found that we worked well together to produce final outcomes that were appropriate for the brief. This was essential as we could bounce ideas off each other, eventually producing a successful outcome.

Although we originally had hoped to produce the graphic design year book, losing this original competition has worked in our favour. After picking up the photography brief, we were able to develop and adapt our existing ideas so they worked more appropriately for the new clients. This also meant we had the opportunity to work with a new group of people, which meant we could re-establish our role as professional graphic designers.

Because the brief had turned to photography, we had the opportunity to experiment with layout, production methods and concept even further. This development helped to produce a book that fit the requirements of the brief but was also unique and eye-catching.

Although the majority of the brief went to plan, there were obvious downfalls. Although we had proceeded with the photography brief, it is a shame that we weren’t successful in graphic design. This has shown that presentations must be clear and concise and that we must be fully prepared before presenting the client with work.

Because we had to wait for photography students to hand in their work, much of the design process sped up towards the end of the brief. Fortunately, due to a well planned out brief, we knew exactly what needed to be produced at different times so this was less of an inconvenience than we first thought it would be.

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