Saturday 12 May 2018

OUGD603 - WYS - setting up site for launch and testing

Ben and I decided that the site would be hosted using GoDaddy. This means the domain can be bought and the site can be easily posted and updated using Muse. We decided to use the domain as it is memorable and differs from other competitors. It also enables us to disclose exactly who we are, giving us the opportunity to sell or move the studio in any direction we like.

Using GoDaddy to set up a WYS email will inevitably help us look more professional when contacting clients. It will legitimise the business and enable customers buying products from the site to email a help email rather than our personal ones.

Before the official launch when the site is publicised, we tested it amongst peers on the course. Both the mobile and desktop sites were given to 3 people and we asked questions for feedback. These were:

Is the site navigable and easy to use?
Overall those testing were able to use the site with ease. As the mobile site starts with the landing page, it became clear that the logo must be pressed to see the drop down menu however they noted that it would be difficult on one of the other pages.

Is the site interesting and informative?
When the site was given to the peers, they looked through each page. It was important they found it interesting as are part of our creative target audience.

is there anything you would improve?
Our peers noted they liked the overall aesthetic of the website and found it worked fluidly. However, as we expected there to be, there were a number of issues such as text off the page and other minor issue. These were, however easy to solve. This is the 

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