Tuesday 1 May 2018

OUGD603 - MIMI - Experimentation

Talking with Mimi helped me to get a better understanding of what she wanted me to produce for her. Being fun and outgoing were traits I first focussed on and so produced a number of logo ideas with this in mind. I customised these as wanted her identity to stand out and show off her unique photography style and personality.

I experimented with three different concepts to bring to Mimi, using some of the logos produced previously. These were based on the different ideas identified in the briefing.

1. The first idea would focus on a visual grid system. The gridded approach adds a level of professionalism as it is good practice within graphic design, showing how images are proportioned correctly and positioned around other elements on the page. This would then tie to the relationship between the branding and photograph. The grid would be consistent throughout the identity, again adding to the professional ideas identified at the start of the brief.     

2. This idea plays with Mimi's traits mentioned in the briefing. The work I produced is eye-catching and stands out, it uses the customised and unique logos created in early experimentation however the are repeated to push the idea further. The black and white colour scheme is used so all focus is on the photographs themselves despite the 'in our face' branding design.

3. The last idea is cleaner and more minimal than the others giving more attention to the photos rather than the branding. I used one of the previously created logos to show how this would work however, if this idea is chosen I should experiment with the different ones I have developed to decide which is most appropriate. The line shown in this idea could either be used to separate one mi from the other or connect them together. This shows how Mimi's work varies so much from project to project but is linked together bb the same creator.

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