Saturday 12 May 2018

OUGD603 - WYS - Evaluation

Out of all the completed briefs, WYS has been the main priority and the most substantial. Four months were spent developing and producing all the outcomes for this brief as we have plans to pursue WYS after university. This long period of time was essential for us to be able to develop and refine each deliverable so it best portrayed us as designers and WYS as a studio. The long brief also enabled us to think properly about what WYS is and what are goals are. In turn, this has meant we haven't held back in exploring different possibilities and avenues the studio could take us. Spending this much on the brief has also meant Ben and I have learnt how to work together efficiently and better understand each others strengths and weaknesses. 

In the early stages, we identified competitors and people we would like to contact through research. The research has proved to be an important part of the process, showing people such as Kiosk Books, Catalogue, Actual Source among other influencers. Deliverables such as the promo pack will be used to contact these sort of people in the hope we can collaborate, work for them or just get in touch

By the end of the brief I had become a more proficient designer, producing work consistently to time plans and using research as an important tool in the design process. Focussing on WYS this year has led me to speak to more peers about the publishing industry and get get my foot in the door with influential designers and creatives. his was mainly down to how I have taken advantage of what Uni has to offer. With most guest lectures, Ben and I asked for feedback and opinions on WYS which in turn helped us to think about aspects that weren't previously considered. We have also attended the start up Tuesdays and Wednesdays which are short business courses run by uni. These have helped us better understand how to act when in a business and what we should consider. 

Other advantages taken from uni include the facilities. This includes both the digital and traditional print rooms which have helped us produce most of the deliverables for the brief. Without these we would have had to out source the printing and relied on other people to produce our outcomes at the standard we are hoping for. This includes screen printing t-shirts, a technique I had not previously experimented with. After doing this at uni, I am more confident that it is something I will also produce in the future.

Other skills have been learnt whilst producing outcomes for this brief. One of the most important for our development was risograph. Learning about this unique technique has helped inspire projects we hope to produce after we graduate such as a series of zines. Using the photocopier within the research brief, which was also linked to this brief, has also shown us what is possible in publishing and has helped us set our sights high for the future.

As previously mentioned, the research brief within this module was linked to WYS, as were other briefs such as the year book. Bringing WYS into other briefs has helped us to develop more skills that are related to the studio. It has also meant we could develop the idea further whilst also producing other briefs.

Unfortunately there were some parts of the brief that could have gone better such as taking advantage of our social media. With Instagram now being such a large platform, we felt this should be used to our advantage to build our audience. Unfortunately, due to time spent on other briefs, we were unable to consistently follow, post and like on our Instagram. This is however something he hope to do in the future as can be the best wa to get the WYS brand well known.

We also didn't achieve all he had planned for this year. At the start of the brief we had hoped we would have had our launch party, which would invite creatives from around the country to a night for WYS. This is, however something we plan to do in the near future. We also hoped to have more items for sale on the site but because of time constraints not letting us produce enough to sell,m this will have to wait until later in the year.

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