Tuesday 1 May 2018

OUGD603 - Year Book - My development & chosen idea

As we would each be developing our own idea for progression, I started producing an idea based off the name 49 degrees. I decided to keep Matter SQ as the heading typeface but experiment with a second typeface for body copy. I also looked at how I could focus the idea on angles. My workings are seen below.

I started to think about how my ideas can be translated onto a front cover. I used the previous year book work we did as inspiration but tried to explore the idea further by experimenting with negative space and type size.

I then started to experiment with the inner layout, looking at how the images could be prioritised over text, therefor becoming more suitable for photography. I wanted each page to work in a similar format so there is consistency throughout the book however, there is still the option to have pages differ in layout. I first did this experimentation in sketch form and produced two separate ideas. 

I then transferred the top idea onto illustrator to better visualise concept. I chose the top idea as thought back to one of the previous graphic design year books which had a similar concept. Unfortunately this often means the book is thinner at one end due to there being more sheets at one end. 

Below shows my chosen idea. This will include a translucent piece of paper in the middle of each spread which includes the information about the student and his/ her information. The 1st spread shows the page without the info paper. The 2nd shows the spread with the translucent paper laid on top. The 3rd shows the translucent paper on its own

I will bring my layout and front cover experiments to our next group meeting where we will choose an idea to bring to the photography students.

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