Tuesday 1 May 2018

OUGD603 - Year Book - photography and graphics team meetup

After looking into research which could help influence our development and design ideas for photography, we sat down with the students helping us again to discuss our progression with the brief.

The feedback we received from this came from their tutor and the rest of the students on the course. Together they decided the name of the Year Book and exhibition would be 49 degrees relating to how many of them are on the course. This gives us the opportunity to experiment with degrees and temperature.

The also noted that the tear out post cards may not be suitable for photography however they liked the idea of including them within the exhibition for professionals and visitors to pick up. Overall the design received positive feedback, this meant we could continue using the typefaces and overall concept throughout the design process.

After speaking with the photography group Ben, Jen and I decided to speak together about how we should progress. As the previous way we had picked an idea had worked so well, we decided we would do this again. This involves each of us producing an idea and developing it ourself. We will then present it to each other, deciding on an outcome to progress with.

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