Saturday 5 May 2018

OUGD603 - Research Brief - Critique

I decided to bring my ideas so far to a critique as this will help me progress efficiently within the project. I explained the punk zine idea to my critique group and explained how the project will differ from both Ben's project and other contempary zines. The group liked my ideas using only imagery to depict life a punk in the 1970's and how the sub-culture has influenced other parts of society here after. They felt that the imagery I had collected worked well and if displayed appropriately will convey the sub-culture in an interesting and unique way.

I asked for feedback on my layout ideas. They suggested that I stay away from overlapping images and kept within the grid system as this will portray a more contemporary publication to the reader. This will show how my zine is a more evolved version of the 1970's punk zines looked at in research. It was also suggested that my layouts should vary in style, meaning the reader stays interested from start to finish. Taking this feedback into consideration, I will start to develop my zine.

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