Monday 7 November 2016

OUGD504 - critique

Todays critique focussed on explaining my two ideas to my course mates to help me progress fluently through this publication. To help me explain my ideas, I went through my two ideas which looked in depth at my work so far.

The group noted how they liked the idea of a juxtaposition between traditional and more modern typography in relation to the surrounding architecture for my first idea. They agreed that this book idea would involve a lot of body text as the content is more directed towards people wanting to know about type and architecture rather than to just look at the photos. Although some people liked this concept, others thought it may work better as an artist book where images are prioritised in content. This is because of the quality of my photos which work well as the focal point rather than working alongside the text. 

I feel if my publication was to work as a photo book, my second idea would be more successful. The photos I have taken could be explained through a short paragraph at the start of the book rather than body text next to each photo. Not only would this book be more aesthetically pleasing but may be suitable for a larger target audience. This idea was also agreed by the group. When asked which idea they thought would work best in conjunction to my photos and the research I had done so far on the history of type within Barcelona, the group felt the second idea would be most appropriate.

I asked whether the idea of a travel guide should still be included within my idea. The group noted that it could work well as guides are often information heavy so thought a new, cleaner approach would better relate to a design conscious target audience. 

Other feedback included suggestions on stock choice, noting how it could further link my ideas on traditional and modern typography and looking at how Barcelona is seen by both the residents and tourists. This would give me a better idea on how different people will react to the final outcome of this editorial work.

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