Thursday 17 November 2016

OUGD504 - brief

I previously wrote my brief so I could focus on my question and start generating solutions to the problem. Through research and feedback from critiques I have been able to finalise my idea so I can start to directly work on my brief.

Many designers and creative types encounter typefaces that they like and want to use almost everyday. Unfortunately, these are often lost and can’t be used as cannot be identified by eye. Create a user interface that helps this audience find the typefaces they see and apply them to their own practice successfully and with ease.

Objectives/ Aims
This interface should focus on having a good user experience that is enjoyable and simple to use for those using the service on the go.

Target Audience
This interface will be created for a design conscious target audience. Because of this, it is essential that they be considered throughout the design process. The final outcome must be well informed by research on what a designer will want to see in a service such as this.


A successful final interface must be informed by research and development. Any sketches and wire frames of the design must also be included. This should then be summed up within your design practice blog and final design boards, which will conclude the different stages of the design process.

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