Monday 7 November 2016

OUGD504 - Ideas

I have decided to note down the two ideas I have for my publication on Barcelona. These have been informed by research and the feedback I received after my presentation

idea 1 My first idea for this editorial would focus on the architecture within Barcelona in relation to the type. For example, I would look at how the older buildings may have more traditional looking type around them, such as hand painted signs, compared to newer buildings that have more modern and clean looking design. This works especially well in Barcelona where its architecture is world renowned so I will be able to look at the different styles of type that is seen on buildings by architects such as Gaudi compared to that of his more modern counterparts..

Because of how in depth I could look into the different type forms and building styles, I feel it is important that this book includes a sizeable amount of body text with each photo to better explain them in context. As both the text and image would be equally as important, I feel I should explore through the research of similar publications how I could layout my content to give me a better idea how my own book will look.

I feel this book would catch the eye of those who are interested in either type or architecture however, may also be picked up by someone looking to go to Barcelona as the content is more informative than aesthetically pleasing. This is something I can look to focus on through my own design and must look at different ways i can keep it interesting whilst doing so. Despite this, I must look more closely at what my specific target audience will be if I am to persue this idea. This will help to create the most well informed and successful publication I can.

idea 2 My second idea would look at the diversity of type within Barcelona and what caused this. This is where all my photos could be used, from shopfronts to graffiti. I feel this idea would work well because of how multicultural the typography is within the city. The content within this publication would focus on my photography rather than any large body text so I can show a wider variety of photos however it is important that they are explained and the books purpose is clear.

I think this editorial would be picked up either by someone interested in Barcelona or who just wanted to look at the photos. Despite this, I don't want my publication to be similar to a coffee table book as they are often looked at for the photos whilst the text is ignored. If I am to create a book dissimilar to this, I need to make sure my text is interesting and my book is well designed. I will look closer at similar editorial work and research further into the diversity of type to help with this.

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