Tuesday 8 November 2016

OUGD504 - critique

Todays critique has helped me progress with a number of design decisions I was previously struggling with. I explained why I had decided to use a perfect bind rather than a saddle stitch, noting how I added and repositioned photos to add more pages. Simon explained that this must be well informed like my other design decisions.

I also explained my ideas for the front cover, adding which processes I wanted to use to better form a bespoke publication.

Through feedback I found that it may be difficult to foil onto bookrum. However, book cloth may be possible but not as good as if it was done on paper.

The crit group also added that if I was to use book cloth, a lighter colour may be more appropriate. If I was to use this material, it may work better if my type was screen printed using more metallic looking acrylic with the same effect. In turn, using a lighter coloured book cloth would work well if I was to use black screen printing ink to contrast the brighter coloured cover. The alternative noted by my peers was to use a thick paper stock for the front and back cover. This would mean the previous issue of not having enough pages for a case bind book would be resolved.

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