Sunday 20 November 2016

OUGD504 - critique & idea generation

Feedback from my previous discussion on Tuesday called for the addition of more solutions to my problem as felt I was limiting myself by only redesigning the What the Font app. I explained my problem and my ideas so far to combat the brief. The feedback can be seen as follows:

How can a design conscious target audience find the typefaces they encounter during everyday life?

Re-design the What the Font app by reinventing the dated design and adding features that weren't previously available on the app.

My group noted that this idea maybe too simple and obvious, they felt it would be good to expand on the ideas that have already been used in this app within my own brief as some are successful.

Creating a social media for typefaces where users upload their photos or screen shots and can ask each their followers what font is used.

The group suggested that this would work well however should include another way for people to find a font incase the users followers can't provide the answer.

An app that help to find typefaces through searching characteristics and looking through an extensive library of examples to find the most appropriate font.

Although feedback was positive on this concept, they felt it was more of a research tool and would work well as a feature within one of my other app ideas rather than on its own. This is because of the impractical amount of time it may take to find the typeface the user is looking for.

Overall, from this feedback I have found that the best solution to the brief will be to combine aspects from each idea together as they all have feature that could work successfully. My next step will be to consider the problems the user faces on similar apps that are already available and look at how they could be improved. I will also look at successful design features which could influence my own work.

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