Thursday 24 November 2016

OUGD503 - Penguin - Critique

I explained my ideas to a group of peers who would help me choose which I should progress with. I noted that I wanted an ambiguous cover that was still shocking as the brief had asked. The crit group gave me feedback on each idea, noting things that could be improved to better suit the brief and target audience.

1: Killers car
-less obvious design however there is a clear link to the story.
-a dark, illustrative design would be appropriate. could highlight the shadows?
-hand drawn tpe would fit well with an illustration.

2: Shoe Print
-successful link to book and real life events.
-could be experimented with using different illustrative styles (digital and by hand).

-look at the placement of the footprint on the page and what would be most effective.

3: Toy
-May come across as inappropriate on display in a book shop.
-would work well as a photographic response however I must consider the background.
-more expensive than some of my other ideas as must source the toys.
-very ambiguous, doesn't link as well as some of the other ideas.

4: Family Home
-more obvious than the other ideas.
-if I continue with this concept, I should look at experimenting with a range of media.
-an illustrative design maybe an obvious response to this idea.

5: Typographic Response
-already a number of typographic designs for the cover 
-not ambiguous and hard to be as shocking
-maybe worth experimenting as I can incorporate within my other ideas

My crit group felt the two ideas that would be most successful in conjunction to the brief are the family home and shoe print because of their ambiguous nature as a design yet clear link to the original story. My next step in the design process will be to experiment with my two ideas through sketches and later onto digital illustrations.

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