Monday 7 November 2016

OUGD504 - travel guide research

My previous feedback said that my book would work well as an informative guide to Barcelona using either architecture and type or the diversity of typography as the main focus within publication. Because of this, I have looked at a number of photo based city guides. This is suitable for my target audience who may be interested in visiting and learning about Barcelona.

The guides I looked at were on sale at Village bookstore so I was able to physically look and get a feel of what they were like rather than looking at the content online. This helped me better understanding the publications I was looking at, noting the binding method, photo choices, layout ideas and use of stock as well as other design decisions. Whilst researching the two guides online, I also noticed that both publications had an edition on Barcelona showing how other designers had interpreted the city effectively whilst focussing on a similar target audience.

The first guide I looked at was one of the LOSTiN series. Using well informed photography and clear, modern typefaces has helped add to the effectiveness of this editorial. Giving small amounts of information rather than overwhelming amounts of body text keeps the reader interested in LOSTiN. This is similar to the ideas I had about my publication to try keep my target audience entertained.

The second travel book series I looked at was the Wallpaper guide. With well design and a good concept, this publication works as a checklist to some of the major cities around the world. Although the photography used is good, it is often information heavy with large blocks of text. This is dissimilar to what I hope to achieve within my own project.

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