Thursday 17 November 2016

OUGD503 - Penguin Books - Target audience

It is essential that I look who the target audience of In Cold Blood will be so it can be considered within my design production to produce the best informed response possible. I realised that previous winners from the same adult non fiction category were largely made up of typographic work however found in previous research that illustrative final designs were also common.

Adult non fiction novels often have a large demographic. The age of readers often ranges from 16+ so my cover must be suitable for all audiences. I looked at similar books targeted towards the same age range to see how they vary in style and design.

I looked at these in a bookshop to see which book covers within this genre and age group stood out most for me. I noticed that the boldest covers with bright colours worked best. I hope to reflect these features within my own work during this brief.

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