Monday 7 November 2016

OUGD504 - what caused the diversity of type within Barcelona?

After seeing the diversity within the city, I decided to look at my photos more in regards to this idea. I noticed how there was such a large contrast between the modern and traditional typography around Barcelona. I researched into what would have caused this and found that it was down to rapid urban regeneration caused by a number of single events and the increased reputation of being a tourist attraction. 

The first event that pushed for development was the death of the Spanish dictator, Francisco Franco in 1975. This caused a massive social upheaval and was the start of change within Catalonia as it moved away from its past dictatorship. New buildings emerged causing an influx of more modern styles to emerge.

The second development was spurred by the 1992 Olympic Games held in the hills of Barcelona. This stands as a defining moment for Barcelona as the city redeveloped ignored neighbourhoods and poured money into local restaurants, nightclubs and leisure spaces in preparation for the games.

It will work well within my book to show how the Olympic Games has brought money to the city by looking at the commercial typography. Despite this, I unfortunately don't have many photos of the Olympic Park due to a lack of film at the time. These ideas however, could still be developed using body text within my book.

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