Monday 7 November 2016

OUGD504 - study task 01

This first study task asked to show my summer brief photos as an engaging visual presentation. As this presentation was only required to be three minutes long, I decided to focus on only six of my photographs. This meant I could talk in more detail about my ideas for this project rather than going through each photo individually.

There were a number of things I decided to mention during my presentation. These were:

  • I didn't know what to expect when I went to Barcelona so took photos of every interesting letter-form I could find.
  • The type I noticed was very diverse. I saw the use of both modern and tradition examples all over the city.
  • I decided to use 35mm film as this is a medium I use in my spare time and said last year in PPP how i'd like to explore using it within my uni work.
  • Film can be unpredictable so some letters were missed.
  • How I would like to focus on the photography aspect within this book yet still look in depth at what could link all the images together

My final presentation layout can also be seen below:


I asked for feedback on my response so far once I had completed my presentation. My peers found my photography to be strong so felt it wouldn't be necessary to include a large amount of information within the content as this would take focus away from my images. They also added that they liked the link I have previously noticed between the typography and architecture as felt this hadn't be explored before. Someone added that this idea could work as a guide to the city of Barcelona and would be aimed towards those interested in photography, architecture or just learning about Barcelona in general.

I showed the diverse type I had captured around Barcelona through more of my other photographs and told the group this was down to how multicultural the city is. My peers noted I should look at why the type was this diverse. I would do this by looking at what different styles that were popular throughout Barcelona's history. Finding out about the city's past in this way will give me a better understanding of the typography i had captured whilst on holiday.

The crit group felt these two ideas were both strong and either could link well with my photos to have successful final content.

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