Tuesday 8 November 2016

OUGD504 - front cover mock ups and experimentation

I created a number of mock ups of my book cover to practice with during experimentation of foiling and de-bossing. I did this using the lighter grey book cloth as I found it to stand out best with gold foiling. This also gave me the opportunity to look at the size of my case bound book cover in comparison to the pages inside as theoretically, the pages should be a little smaller

The top photos above show the covers I made to practice my chosen techniques. The first cover became particularly messy because I was unsure of what I was doing and ended up staining the cloth with PVA glue. My second book is below the first and worked better as I used a smaller spine which is more appropriate for my amount of pages.

I foiled onto my practice covers but found that the gold came off around the edge of my type. This was because I had already glued my book cloth onto the grey board causing the glue to heat up and stick o the foil.

To work around this, I created two more covers with the correct dimensions to foil on. I would then created the cover afterwards. This worked better although I found it had to place my title in the correct place when gluing; as seen in the experiment below. This process has been successful as I bought enough book cloth during my preparation.

I also found that de-bossing my cover after gluing the cloth and grey board caused the spine of the book to flatten and not work as well as intended. This technique should also be done before sticking my cover together.

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