Tuesday 8 November 2016

OUGD504 - Front cover design

To attract the design conscious target audience my front cover will need to be considered. I have decided to sketch out a number of ideas that I can work from to produce an attractive photo book cover.

A few of my sketches included one of my photos on the front to help people understand my content more without having to open the book. This should attract the part of my target audience interested in Barcelona. The photos I The photos considered are as follows: 

I asked a few of my peers which photo would be most appropriate on the front of this publication and found the notice board beach photo to work best because of the clear link towards typography and use of both English and Spanish. Although the other photos better represented Barcelona, this worked better to link with typography.

Narziss Pro Cy will be used on the cover as will hopefully remind people of the Spanish themes throughout. The pt size on the cover will be significantly larger than the headers inside the book so my chosen typeface is readable from a distance. Because of this, I have experimented with different sized text and image seen below.

After looking at a number of paper finishes available to me at uni and seeing them in use online and in Village bookstore, I want to see how I can optimise their use on my own cover. Seeing a number of examples of type being foiled on covers has persuaded me to use this within my own book. I must experiment with this first as isn't something I have done in past projects. 

I feel the use of de-bossing or embossing would be successful as well. One particular use of de-bossing I have identified as working well has been using it underneath photos so the change between image and the book cloth is seamless. I have experimented with this to see how it would work.

Materials I can use to cover my publications include bookrum, which is a durable, sleek looking material and bookcloth which can look clean and bespoke. Unfortunately bookcloth is easy dirtied unlike bookrum which can be wiped clean. Despite this, because of bookcloths bespoke look it is in fitting with my publication and so will be used.

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