Thursday 10 November 2016

OUGD504 - Evaluation

At the start of this project I noted that my final publication was to work as a well informed photo book about Barcelona using the photos I had taken on typography over the summer break. Through developing ideas, I decided that my book would have a target audience of those who are interested in Barcelona or are wanting to visit. I wanted my book to be high quality, have a unique feel and look ---- so this was considered throughout the design and production of the publication.

Overall I feel like I have successfully produced a publication that adheres to my original aims. I attempted to create interesting content focussing on the diverse nature of the typography within Barcelona. I found that this was cased by social upheaval and urban development particularly during the 20th Century. I was able to summarise this into an opening paragraph to stop the reader from losing interest in the subject yet keep them appropriately informed.

I noted that I wanted my book to be unique and have distinctive ------- features which I feel has been made possible because of my extensive research and use of mock-ups during development. The use of de-bossing, foiling, perfect binding and use of book cloth combine to form a ------- looking book.

There were also considerations and deliverables set within the brief one of which included making use of the time well as there was six weeks to develop and produce a final publication. I was able to do this by using time plans weekly, checking how my peers were doing within their projects and using lists to make sure I was producing the correct amount of work in the right order. Because of this careful planning I was able to complete my final piece in good time which enabled me to bring my book to a critique for final feedback. I made sure to explain my project and asked questions in reaction to this.

Do you think my final publication conveys itself as unique and ------ ?
In all, my book was found to comply with the preliminary points I wanted to stick to at the start of the brief because of my unusual book content coupled with an interesting layout.

What do you think of the chosen book binding method and finishes on the front cover?
The use of foiling and de-bossing was said to work well and was well informed by research. My peers liked how I'd used a perfect bind and thought this suited the books intentions.

Is there anything that could be improved?
People in the critique said that the production of the book could be improved as some processes such as when I stuck the pages together looked a little rushed. They also felt the page numbers should either be in the middle or on left and right. This is something I felt I had justified however may look better if it had been changed.

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