Monday 7 November 2016

OUGD504 - Spanish and Catalonan typography

To get a better understanding of the type I had captured within my photos I researched traditional Spanish and Catalonian typography and looked at when the type I had found may have been created. 

I noticed that there were a number of prominent art movements and styles however one which stood out was modernisme which is the Catalonian equivalent of art nouveau. This period was pivotal in the making of Barcelona’s landscape today and was a type style that reoccurred a number of times within my photos. This was the period the architect Antoni Gaudi constructed his buildings, including one I had visited and taken photos of.

Art Nouveau

A typographical piece describing the Art Nouveau style
Art Deco

I found an article by Serena Olivieri on Poppytalk noting the different styles around Madrid. I noticed that the styles seen were similar to the typography around Barcelona.

I noticed he found a mixture of both serif and san serif typefaces. There were a couple of typographic styles that stood out such as a number of Art Deco and Art Nouveau signs and number that appeared to be hand painted. These traditional styles were also common around Barcelona showing how popular these movements were in Spain. This is something that I would like to talk about within my book as it is such a large part of the city's history. This idea could be noted in both of my ideas as I can link the architecture and typography auspiciously.

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