Thursday 10 November 2016


Studio brief 2 tasks me with designing for screen. This particular project gives me the opportunity to experiment with user interface and user experience to create an immersive and engaging experience using a media of my choice. This includes: a website, an app, streaming service, title sequence, on screen graphic overlays etc.

Before I undertake the design design production of this brief I must consider the client, the problem I am solving, the target audience I will be designing for and what I hope to achieve during the work load.

As I will be writing this brief myself I must make sure my idea and design is well informed through research and experimentation. During the briefing, Simon noted that the design process should start with a problem and the intended outcome should break down this problem into smaller, easier steps. This will cause the user experience to be improved and more enjoyable. The quote: 'overload, clutter and confusion are not attributes of information, they are failures of design' by Edward Tufte better explains how my problem solving should decrease the steps the user has to do something. The experience the user has with my design must be prioritised over the aesthetics as without an under arching concept my target audience will not be interested in my final outcome.

To help with he production of ideas we first slit into groups of 3 to discuss a number of points. The first thing we noted in a mind map were different user interfaces. This included interfaces we like, disliked and used regularly. We then selected a number of examples and explored in more detail how they intend to make the user feel and how they actually make them feel.

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